Saturday, September 4, 2010

Busy Bee

And life just won't slow down. School started this past Monday and it is going to be crazy. I was hoping that maybe fall semester would not be quite as crazy as summer semester, but it looks like it will be just as crazy if not worse.  There is one class that I feel like I'm spending more time on than I spend on my other three lecture classes combined! And then of course there are clinicals! Those would be nerve-wracking even if that was the only thing we were doing this summer!

And of course to add to the craziness this week, Ezra got stung by a bee right below his eye.  This caused the entire side of his face to swell up. Of course he was at the sitter's when it happened. So she called me and I called the nurse line, because she was concerned this might be an allergy. The nurse line wanted to speak to her, so she called the nurse line. The nurse line suggested we call Ezra's doctor. So I called his doctor's office and they wanted to see him. So I drove to the sitter's, got Ezra, drove back to the doctor, saw  the doctor, went to the pharmacy for benedryl, stopped for lunch, dropped Ezra off back at the sitter's, and finally got to Starbucks to start studying.  Of course by now it was after one o'clock.  Ezra thankfully is doing a lot better. The swelling is down and he no longer looks like he got punched in the face!